GAAND 2019-2020
The Greater Akron Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAAND) is the professional organization and nonprofit that serves dietetic professionals and dietetic students in northeast Ohio. This district includes Medina, Portage, Summit, and Wayne counties. Individuals who live outside of these counties are welcome to join as well. GAAND has about 135 members.
Our mission is to be the advocate of the dietetic profession serving the public through the promotion of optimal nutrition and well being by advocating for its members.
Benefits of GAAND membership include advocacy for its members, continuing education meetings, networking opportunities, guidance on nutrition-related legislation, scholarships for dietetic students, OAND and AND award nominations, and leadership opportunities.
Membership is from June 1st - May 31st.
We strive to provide educational meetings for students and professionals alike. Most meetings provide at least one continuing education unit (CEU) that will be emailed post meeting.
Check us out on Facebook, The Greater Akron Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The 2019-2020 Board
President: Lily Kuzmik​ RDN,LD
Treasurer: Lizzie Song RDN, LD
Nominating & Scholarship Chair: Madeline Brown, RDN, LD
Legislative Chair: Kendall Yuhas
Membership Chair: Maria Garcia, RDN, LD
Nutritious & Delicious Chair: Abbey Granger
Newsletter Chair: Becca DeVenzio
Kent State University Student Liaison: Rachel Berg
University of Akron Student Liaison: Megan Hollendonner
Are you interested in becoming a Board Member for GAAND? Please click here --> Board Position Descriptions to read about what each position does. Professionals and students may apply for board positions.
Email eatrightakron@gmail.com by May 3rd, 2021 with a short bio of yourself to be eligible for the Board elections!